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País:, Europa, DE
Ciudad: 11.0683 Bayern, Deutschland
Grossartig, dass ich mich für diesen Rasenmäher entschieden habe. Er ist sehr leicht und gut zu handhaben, ist leise macht einen 1A Schnitt. Mit den beiden Akkus komme ich bei 350 m2 Rasenfläche mehr als gut aus, ja sogar, wenn der Rasen feucht ist. Ich kann das Gerät empfehlen.
I love it, I have roccat mouse alredy and the mat is just amazing, i used to have another best seller from amazon and it was rubbish because it was too thin, this one is just perfect. i hope the edges will not start to destroy
The book Holes is greatly written. It is about a young boy named Stanley he has done something very wrong he has . And now Stanley has to pick beteen going to jail and going to Camp Green Lake. Stanley chooses to go to the myserious Camp Green Lake. When he gets there he is greeted by a man, this hard, strict man is Mr.Sir. Mr. Sir yells for another man, and this man's name is Mr.Pendanski. Mr.Pendanski is Stanley Consoler. Stanley is taken to a tent which is tent D. There were boys already in the tent he suppoused thouse would be his group. Now Stanley had not seen any lake around. So he asked a boy in the tent he just started laghing, so he asked him again he anwsered "there is no lake here you dig a hole each day." Then the next day he to dug a hole it had to be 5ft. deep and 5ft. long. One day a group mate Zero asked him how to read and write, and if he could teach him. Stanley said he would if Zero dug his own hole and his hole. Then one day Zero ran away and Mr.Sir told them earlyer that there was no water for 100 miles. Just on the third day...... wait I not going to tell you the whole story. I really liked this book it had suspence, and on some parts you needed a box of tissues. Enjoy!
Also die Überraschungen waren sehr schön, abwechslungsreich und amüsant. Warum Ich nur 3 Sterne gegeben habe. Naja, meine Frau hätte gerne die Schleife angezogen aber diese ist zu klein. Ihre Figur ist normal bis auf den Babybauch. Die Schleife ist wohl für sehr magere Menschen gedacht. Aber sonst sind die Produkte sehr schön und machen einen guten Eindruck.